readings & videos for rcia

The videos and websites listed below are designed to give you a start on each topic. We’ve kept most of them short to make this as doable as possible.

Before you start, ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart to hear and understand each topic. Remember, this period of formation is about both your head and your heart.

We also encourage you to go further – this list is just a quick introduction. Be guided by the questions you have or the areas you’d like to dive deeper into. We’ve included various styles of videos - you may find a presenter or style that appeals to you - pursue those ones first. (NB. Not everything on the internet is reliable! If you’re not sure about a website, ask your sponsor or one of the team.)

Along the way, make a note in your journal of anything that surprises you or any questions you have, so you can chat about these with your sponsor.

The overview of the RCIA timeline and dates for each session is available at


Module 1: (below)

  • The Trinity, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, The Bible

Go to Module 2

  • Sacraments, The Mass

Go to Module 3

  • Prayer, Mary & the Saints, The Christian Life
    (plus a variety of other topics)


Module 1

Topic 1: The Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit


“The Trinity”
Catholic Central [5 min]

“First Commandment”
Restless Catholic [4 min]

“Explaining the Trinity to Someone New to Christianity”
Catholic Answers [11 min]


“God” section at Catholic Enquiry Centre


Go further:



Topic 2: Jesus


“Who is Jesus?”
Catholic Central [7 min]

“Walk Through Walls: Meeting the Risen Jesus”
Pat Keady [7 min]

“Encounter Jesus”
Archbishop Mark Coleridge [4 min]

“The Chosen scene: John 3:16”
The Chosen series [10 min]

“Who is Jesus?”
Alpha Film Series [25 min]



“Jesus Christ” sections at Catholic Enquiry Centre
(there are several sections to read about Jesus)


Go further:



Topic 3: The Holy Spirit


“Holy Spirit”
Bible Project [4 min]

Catholic Central [2 min]

“The Holy Spirit”
Catholic Central [4 min]

“Untapped: The Catholic Church’s Best Kept Secret”
Pat Keady [7 min]



“Holy Spirit” section at Catholic Enquiry Centre


Go further:



Topic 4: The Bible


“What is the Bible?”
The Bible Project [5 min]

“The Story of the Bible
The Bible Project [5 min]

“The Gospel”
The Bible Project [5 min]

“The Bible”
Restless Catholic [4 min]



“Scripture” section at Catholic Enquiry Centre


Go further:

